
Published: 7 Feb 2023
Type: News

Bogota, 3 February 2023: WBCSD在哥伦比亚的全球网络合作伙伴 CECODES launched their new guide "Vision 2050 Colombia: a business focus" during a virtual event.

Based on WBCSD’s Vision 2050, “Vision 2050 Colombia,旨在通过九种转变途径从理论走向实践. 这个指南需要不同角色的清晰表达, such as government, companies, academia, investors, society, among others; so that together, 它们可以加快采取重点行动,使公共部门和私营部门之间能够进行协调, 每个参与者在哪里做与他们相对应的事情并产生积极的影响.

这次发射的目的之一是在社会上所有参与者之间建立信任的桥梁, 目的是为了国家的正规博彩十大网站排名而共同努力. At the launch virtual event, Uta Jungermann, Senior Manager Member Support & Global Network at WBCSD, 他提到:“在WBCSD和CECODES这样的组织中, 我们有责任在科学和商业之间架起桥梁. We need to help translate what the science says and share this information in terms of business impact; and we must support science to understand the needs of companies. 这是我们最终建立信任的方式.”

Sergio Rengifo Caicedo, Executive Director of CECODES, made a call to action, 提到:“为了实现我们设定的目标, we must build trust, and the only way to do it is by being consistent between what we say and what we do; and this is demonstrated through accountability”. 在这方面,他邀请所有社会行动者阅读和分享《2050年哥伦比亚正规博彩十大网站》. He emphasized that it's time to transform, it's time to inspire, it's time to collaborate and help small, medium, 以及大公司在他们的商业战略中采纳这些正规博彩十大网站排名的概念.

CECODES相信,这九种转型途径可以帮助企业将精力集中在关键领域. These pathways include a sustainable energy system with zero carbon emissions that is reliable and affordable for all; a transportation and mobility system 这对人和产品来说是安全、负担得起、清洁和高效的; living spaces 健康的、包容的、与自然和谐共生的生态系统 product and materials system 这就要求优化资源的使用,以满足需求,同时允许提供资源的系统再生.

For the financial products and services system, it means that all financial capital is mobilized to support sustainable development; and the responsible connectivity system 团结人们,提高透明度和效率,推动获得机会. Under the pathway of health and wellbeing,目的是为了每个人都有最高的可能水平,依靠 water and sanitation蓬勃发展的水生生态系统为所有人提供食物和公共能源. Finally, for the food system, 我们需要一个可再生的、公平的系统来生产健康的产品, safe, and nutritious food for all.

With these nine pathways, 经社理事会呼吁哥伦比亚的不同行动者, such as the government, companies, academia, investors, society, among others, 我们需要采取行动,转变思维方式,这将导致渐进式变革和加速转型之间的差异,从而实现2050年正规博彩十大网站.

  • The document 以简短的方式展示了可扩展解决方案的路线图, medium, and long term, 该计划旨在确保6200多万哥伦比亚人过上好日子, within planetary boundaries.

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