Foretica presents the report "'健康和福利 2030: Exploring the scope of the corporate health footprint"

发表: 2022年6月24日
类型: 新闻

日内瓦6月24日 -一份由 健康和正规博彩十大网站排名行动小组, presented at the third Business Forum: Health and Sustainable 发展 (SDG 3) emphasizes the importance of promoting and protecting health and wellbeing across all business operations. 由 Foretica, 行动小组由17家公司组成, 包括基耶西, ASISA集团, 微软和Quirónsalud.

Investing in health should be a business priority, especially in the wake of COVID-19. 发表在《正规博彩十大网站》上的研究, 在204个国家开展, estimates that the pandemic has caused 53 million cases of depression and that it is now the world's leading cause of disability. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), for every dollar invested in the treatment of common mental disorders, t在这里 is a return of USD $4 in improved health and productivity.

Germán爷爷,forsamica总干事, 说, "The current outlook highlights the importance of health and wellbeing issues, 重点关注心理健康, 作为幸福的基本支柱, 个人的繁荣和生产力, 世界各地的家庭和社区. They are the foundations on which sustainable economies are built. Accordingly, health and wellbeing are key elements in the business transformation proposed by the 2050年正规博彩十大网站 roadmap, recently presented by Foretica in the framework of the 正规博彩十大网站排名工商理事会. Health is one of the nine routes of the 2050年正规博彩十大网站, establishing itself as a fundamental tool of business sustainability. 因此, businesses must work to improve their impact on the health and wellbeing of their stakeholders, increase ambition in their objectives and accelerate action to achieve the best results and broaden their partnerships".

新报告强调 健康和可持续性方面的五个关键趋势 ——用数据来强化它们的重要性, 已经取得了进展, and levers and initiatives that companies and organizations need to advance further: mental health (often called the  'silent pandemic'), 社会健康(促进多样性), 平等和包容), environmental health (environment and healthy living spaces within planetary boundaries), occupational health (the holistic and integrated wellbeing of the workforce) and collaborative health (the governance of wellbeing through public-private and multi-sector partnerships).


来自行动小组, we address how important it is for companies to implement programs that ensure the highest standards of employee health, safety and wellbeing - including mental health - across operations and global value chains, while expanding access to basic preventive services in the workplace. 作为经济的关键角色, companies need to develop good corporate governance by implementing programs that ensure the highest standards of health, 安全与福祉 员工 (scope 1), promote healthy lifestyles among their 客户和消费者 through their product and service offerings (scope 2); and safeguard health and wellbeing in their operations and 供应链和更广泛的社区 (范围3)”,突出显示 María Ordovás, Manager of Foretica's 健康和正规博彩十大网站排名行动小组.

The third Business Forum on Health and Sustainable 发展 (SDG 3) was broadcast live from the Servimedia television set, 由尤塔·荣格曼参加, 高级经理, 成员的支持 & 全球网络 of the World 正规博彩十大网站排名工商理事会 (WBCSD), who addressed the importance of the role of companies in protecting the health and wellbeing of 员工.

你可以下载报告"健康和福利 2030: Exploring the scope of the corporate health footprint" 在这里.

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