的 Sustainability Buzz: Highlights from a Transformative Week in New York

发表: 2023年9月26日
作者: 彼得不赞美
类型: 洞察力

的 city of New York was host to what is quickly becoming the biggest week in Sustainability on the annual calendar. 的 town was bursting with leaders coming to town to make speeches at the UN or take part in many of the roundtables, 工作坊及双边会议, bringing traffic to a deadlock and making hotel room prices skyrocket.

下一个气候周, the UN organized the General Assembly meeting, the SDG Summit and the 气候 Ambition Summit. We are at the halfway point towards the 2030 SDGs and only 14% of the targets are on track to be delivered. 的 first Global Stocktake report on 气候 brought no better news. 的 world is nowhere near decarbonizing fast enough.

Businesses took center stage as the world turned to them for solutions. Together with partners and our members,  organized more than 25 events showcasing the transformative power of collaboration across value chains and drawing in a remarkable crowd of 1,400名注册与会者. 值得注意的是, almost half of these participants were accomplished leaders representing 169 member companies. 

的 launch of the Taskforce for 自然-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) in the New York Stock Exchange was a historic moment with recommendations for businesses and investors to integrate the impacts and dependencies on 自然 into their decision-making. WBCSD’s Roadmaps to 自然的积极 结合 12项行业行动 , B4N, WBCSD and WEF offer companies the tools to now get engaged with their biodiversity footprint.

的 one topic we heard consistently coming back is that for a business to be the trusted solutions partner of the world, it needs to be transparent about its performance towards its commitments. Transformation and Accountability are the two keywords that will define the next stage of the sustainability journey of business and its solutions for the world.

Let me end these short reflections on the past week in New York by echoing some of the words that the incoming COP28 President, Dr. 苏丹·贾比尔, 在他令人印象深刻的演讲中发言 in the closing session of the 气候 Ambition Summit : “I invite everyone to come to COP28 with hope, to come with optimism and the will to deliver real actionable, 切实的结果. Together let’s turn pledges into projects; let’s turn ambition into action. Let’s be brave and bold; let’s go after the gigatons, not after each other. Let us activate a truly global response to the global stocktake. Let’s unite, let’s act and let’s deliver.”

I look forward to seeing all our members in Dubai on 28-29 November for the WBCSD Council Meeting, followed by the COP28 from November 30 to December 12.

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