COP15 reflections: how is business stepping up to implement 的 全球生物多样性框架 (GBF)

发表: 2022年12月20日
作者: Diane Holdorf, WBCSD执行副总裁
类型: 洞察力

昨天, 我们看新闻, from 的 15th meeting of 的 Conference of 的 Parties to 的 Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), 宣布各国政府同意 全球生物多样性框架 (GBF). The framework sets out a plan to implement action to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030 and ensure that, by 2050, “与自然和谐相处”的共同正规博彩十大网站得以实现.

虽然没有包括影响的数字目标, 该框架为社会中的所有参与者明确规定了方向. 在COP15的两周内, t在这里 was an unprecedented participation from business and 的 finance community signaling 的ir readiness to implement a strong agreement through actions, to mainstream 的 protection and restoration of nature across 的ir operations and supply chains and support implementation of relevant targets and milestones to address material drivers of nature loss.   

整体, 的 agreement on 的 GBF contains crucial decisions that mark 的 turning point for nature protection, 保育及修复. 与此同时,一些关键的雄心指标没有完全实现. 所以,真正的工作从现在开始. 政府, 企业, 金融机构, 公民社会必须分担履行协议的责任. 这将需要评估什么是材料, set targets and disclose risks and impacts on nature resulting in stronger accountability and more informed decisions by relevant stakeholders.

从气候之旅中吸取的经验教训的应用是显著的. 在第27次缔约方会议上,WBCSD邀请领先的成员公司制定业务实施议程, 气候恢复事业:加速问责、雄心和行动. This agenda sets out interventions for accelerating 的 global decarbonization of business and supports business leaders, 与各国政府密切合作, 加强问责, 提高野心, 并迅速、大规模地采取行动. We are moving forward nature accountability in a similar way to our approach to climate accountability to establish a global corporate accountability system for nature.


  • 问责制, to develop trust with key stakeholders through accurate and transparent accounting for nature-related impacts and dependencies as well as adoption of 的 recommendations of TNFD.
  • 雄心壮志, to support 的 adoption of Science Based Targets for 自然 that drive business strategy to align with 的 GBF.
  • 行动, to put in place nature-positive transition plans that allocate capital to 的 most significant areas of risk and opportunity within and beyond value chains.

WBCSD is committed to working with its member companies and partners to help 的m recognize nature as a material issue and fully understand 的 scope and scale of 的ir impact and dependencies on nature.


The disclosure of information that substantiates 的 ambition of commitments and progress of action is critical in providing key stakeholders with visibility to companies’ nature-positive journey. 通过我们的 pilot of 的 Taskforce on 自然-related Financial Disclosures framework with 23 of our member companies, we will feed into 的 TNFD development process to ensure a robust and business-applicable set of recommendations is released in September 2023. We will also explore 的 challenges of Scope 3 emissions (emissions across value chains) data for nature and look to expand 的 scope of 的 碳透明度伙伴关系 包括温室气体(GHG)排放以外的其他环境数据. 


Business alignment with 的 GBF will be driven by 的 adoption of science-based targets (SBTs) for nature. 通过我们与基于科学的自然目标(SBTN)的伙伴关系, we will work with our member companies and beyond to prepare 的m for SBTs for nature adoption and distill and syn的size lessons learned as part of our roadmaps to nature-positive.


The transition to nature-positive requires investment in 的 transition guided by 的 identification of material risks and opportunities within and beyond value chains. 气候大会期间, 补充一套针对特定行业的路线图, WBCSD released a draft for consultation of guidance developed with 60 leading companies and partners, 向自然积极发展的路线图:加速企业问责的指导方针, 为一个对自然有利的未来而奋斗的雄心和行动”.  这将有助于企业评估、承诺、转变和披露它们与自然的关系. We will also identify sector-wide priorities for actions that support nature-positive outcomes and explore 的 role of 自然的解决方案 (NbS) in meeting biodiversity, 通过制定国家统计局的蓝图来实现气候和社会目标, 谁将以吸取的教训为基础 自然气候解决方案 (nc).

作为第一步,森林解决方案集团(FSG)的15家领先公司发布了 森林部门自然积极路线图的第一阶段 支持企业扩大行动,遏制和扭转自然损失, 制定以科学为基础的自然相关目标和指标, 并使用可量化的指标披露进展. 在COP15上,案例研究由 斯道拉恩索,Mondi和Sappi 把焦点放在对自然有利的商业行动上.

To help answer 的 need for harmonization in 的 ecosystem restoration field by aligning and amplifying action for maximized impact at scale, 的 一个地球生物多样性事业 (OP2B)联盟创建了 修复行动框架. This work is an example of ongoing OP2B contribution to support 的 framework’s mission of halting and reversing of nature and biodiversity loss by 2030 and complementary to OP2B的再生农业框架 哪一个完成了对企业修复和再生的指导.


T在这里 are no net zero emissions without nature positive and 的 business approach to 的 climate emergency and nature loss must be integrated. 其核心是在价值链内外扩大NCS的规模. The carbon market provides a mechanism to channel private finance to net zero and nature positive projects, 通过他们的工作 nc联盟,水务署提供 以高质量碳信用额为重点的指导方针. 私营机构, 除了减少负面影响, 对自然的投资需要增加五倍,同时对气候也有好处. Enabling private finance to invest in intact nature is a key means to serve 的 goals of 的 Paris Agreement and 的 GBF.

我们支持正规博彩十大网站排名公司实施业务解决方案,以实现净零, 自然积极和公平的目标在自己的业务和他们的价值链. 通过与来自世界各地的专家和成员合作, we help 企业 to collaborate across sectors and value chains to scale NCS and nature-based solutions in response to our planetary emergency – to protect and restore 的 natural systems on which we all depend.

未来十年必须对自然有利,并通过对成员国和合作伙伴的这种支持, WBCSD正在帮助确保企业的贡献是雄心勃勃的, collective in its actions and accountable to 的 shared goal of nature positive by 2030 followed by full recovery by 2050.

有关如何参与的更多信息,请参阅我们的自然行动工作 在这里.

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