WBCSD, Anthesis Group and ERM launch business sustainability learning program

“商业正规博彩十大网站排名概论” provides practical and accessible content relevant to any function or sector, 商业发展, 为业务.

发表: 2023年11月28
类型: 新闻

日内瓦/伦敦,2023年11月28日; 今天, the 正规博彩十大网站 (WBCSD), 论文集团和ERM推出了一个新的在线课程, 商业正规博彩十大网站排名概论, 哪个是基础, self-paced course designed to equip learners with the knowledge, 心态和实用的工具来推动积极的变化, foster sustainability and effectively communicate the importance of sustainability within their organizations and community. 

Maarten Dirks, Director of Digital 教育 at WBCSD 说, “Sustainability has proven to be the steepest learning curve in my career, revealing the intricate balance between business success and environmental responsibility. The development of the '商业正规博彩十大网站排名概论' 在线课程 underscores the paramount importance of integrating sustainable practices across all business functions. 在本课程中, 我们一起在这个关键地带航行, fostering a collective understanding that is not just relevant but imperative for the future of every industry.” 

Representatives from 24 organizations spanning business, academia and non-profit sectors have contributed to sharing their insights and expertise.  

Bianca Nijhof, Anthesis Group副总监 说, “推动变革走向正规博彩十大网站排名, inclusive planet with humanity living within our planet’s boundaries needs action by all of us, 企业, 社会, 个人也一样. Understanding the importance and relevance of sustainability within any role is critical for all professionals. We are pleased to contribute to building this course and empowering learners with the knowledge, 工具, and behavioural change support needed to enable sustainable action.”

演讲者包括著名教授Joyeeta Gupta, Johan Rockström and David Nabarro who share the latest insights on the climate crisis, 自然丧失和日益加剧的不平等, 以及大规模行动的紧迫性. They are joined by practitioners from 14 different companies who share real-world business cases to spark inspiration in raising ambition, taking action and sharpening accountability around corporate sustainability goals. 

维多利亚·克罗斯,ERM合伙人 说, “As sustainability professionals our time is now to engage and inspire action. 在汇率机制, we remain convinced that all the technology and funding exists to solve the world’s biggest societal and environmental challenges, the challenge is getting people to understand why and how to deploy it, and their personal role in driving change within the organisation they work for. 本课程提供了重要的背景, our experts have been honoured to contribute so actively to its development.” 

Learners of the 商业正规博彩十大网站排名概论 can expect to: 

  • 培养正规博彩十大网站排名和包容的心态, 加强跨文化能力, 积极推动积极的改变;  
  • Understand the scientific foundations of sustainability, 的复杂性, 正规博彩十大网站排名的紧迫性和全球性,​ and what it means for current and future generations​  
  • Discover the relationship and the importance of sustainability for business and 社会; draw​inspiration from real-world business cases​  
  • 用简洁的动作获取相关信息, 适用的工具, practical recommendations and up-to-date resources to support any organization on its sustainability journey​  
  • Strengthen skills in effectively communicating the narrative and driving meaningful change in an organization's sustainability journey, 参与并影响关键利益相关者 

In addition to providing engaging content and interactive assessments, the course also provides a set of workshop guidelines that empower learners to organize their own follow-on workshops to engage with colleagues and other stakeholders in translating the learnings into concrete action. 

WBCSD member companies have the opportunity to integrate their course into their existing learning management systems, and to work with the WBCSD Academy in customizing the content and adding supplementary segments specific to the company’s sustainability strategy and operations.  

访问 商业正规博彩十大网站排名概论 在线课程 在这里

标签: 教育

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