弥合不平等差距:全球高管,联合国机构 & NGOs unite through a two year Extension of the 解决不平等问题的商业委员会

80+ Commissioners from leading organizations pledge to raise Ambition, 采取行动, 深化企业问责,实现包容性, 公平的市场和公正的过渡

发表: 2024年4月23日
类型: 新闻

日内瓦,4月23日 2024: 解决不平等问题的商业委员会 (BCTI)今天宣布,三个联合国机构(联合国全球契约, 联合国儿童基金会, and UNHCR) and 80+ Chief Executives from leading companies and civil society organizations, have joined the effort to put people at the heart of the 只是过渡 and make social accountability a market reality.  

"Extending the 解决不平等问题的商业委员会 for two more years provides us with the opportunity to keep working together to take action to build more equitable societies and realize the rallying cry of the Sustainable 发展 Goals (SDGs) to leave no one behind. The United Nations Global Compact works with companies to tackle inequalities by ensuring all workers receive a living wage, 推进性别平等,实现公正过渡. I look forward to continued collaboration with my fellow Commissioners to help achieve the SDGs vision of fair, 公平和正规博彩十大网站排名.”,说 散打 Ojiambo, 联合国全球契约助理秘书长.

World leaders agree on the need for an equitable and 只是过渡. The high level and structural nature of inequality in the world presents a systemic risk that poses an existential threat to society and the economy. The private sector has an important role to play in the success of this effort and there are bottom-line business benefits to doing so. 

“The pace of technological development coupled with the global prioritization of climate action is rapidly accelerating the transformation of jobs and skills,” 乔纳斯 万宝盛华集团董事长 兼首席执行官. “We are pleased to support WBCSD and the BCTI in ensuring a 只是过渡 that puts people first. We all have an obligation and an opportunity to be a driving force for positive change, and the BCTI's 解决不平等行动议程 will continue to provide a roadmap to ensure no one gets left behind in the greening and increasingly digital world of work.” 

以它为基础 解决不平等行动议程 出版于2023年5月, the Commission will focus over the next two years on catalyzing business action across priority agendas such as human rights, 只是过渡, 多样性和包容性, 以及生活工资和收入. 

"As we extend the 解决不平等问题的商业委员会 for another two impactful years, 我们正在加倍投入紧急和变革的努力. Addressing inequality is our responsibility, but it also provides an opportunity for positive change. 共同关注行动, 问责和雄心, 企业可以推动世界变得更加公正和公平. 在一起, we're committed to leveraging the 解决不平等行动议程 and breaking down silos,”,说 彼得·巴克,总裁 & 首席执行官WBCSD

“A collaborative approach is essential for building more inclusive and equitable societies and markets where all can thrive and where nobody is left behind. The BCTI has a critical role to play in elevating the social agenda into the Board room and to put people at the heart of our business. We could not be more thrilled to be joining forces with the United Nations, 民间社会领袖, and fellow corporate leaders in sustainability to convert the BCTI的 action agenda into actual on-the-ground impact success,” Ilham Kadri,首席执行官 Syensqo 兼世界文化及文化事务署主席

Leading up to COP30 in Brazil and using the United Nations General Assembly week in 2024 and 2025 as essential stock-taking moments, BCTI旨在成为2030年议程的加速器. 在这段时间里, members of the Business Commission – which currently includes 55 corporate and 28 non-private sector leaders – will bundle efforts to transform their own organizations and value chains, 并解决市场层面的障碍. 成功将被衡量为有形的结果 BCTI的 行动纲领, including urgent priorities such as human rights; 多样性和包容性; living wages and incomes; and a 只是过渡. 

“We need business leaders in all sectors to make commitments not only on climate and nature, 但谁也把尊重人的权利, 尊严和机会是他们工作的核心. We cannot achieve a sustained energy transition or nature positive goals if we do not address inequality and poverty. The work of the 解决不平等问题的商业委员会 offers a unique platform to expand the number and impact of leading companies that are integrating climate, nature and equity risks and opportunities into their corporate governance as well as their business strategies, 运营和价值链,” Jane Nelson, Founding Director, Corporate Responsibility Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School.

标签: 股本行动

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