BCTI Unveils PwC-Authored Case Study Spotlighting Unilever's 社会 Impact Strategy

发表: 2024年4月11日
类型: 新闻

日内瓦,2024年4月11日: 解决不平等问题的商业委员会 (BCTI)公布了最新的案例研究报告。”How Unilever builds and delivers its social performance strategy”, offering insights into effective strategies for addressing inequality within the private sector. 这份报告, 普华永道创建, highlights Unilever's exemplary journey in defining and implementing a robust social impact strategy across its business and value chain. 

“的 need for social performance is finally catching up with the more tangible actionable agenda on climate. 通过制定雄心勃勃的物质战略, business can generate new opportunities and mitigate social risks. 有了这些,为人类的繁荣创造价值.”,说 温迪·范·托尔, Partner, Sustainability Transformation Services at PwC. 

案例研究, a practical application of the framework outlined in Chapter 3 of the BCTI flagship report “解决不平等:商业行动议程”, illuminates Unilever's approach to tackling inequality through its Sustainable Business Transformation Framework. Unilever's strategy is depicted as a step-by-step process, guiding C-suite members on making tangible progress in the "S" of ESG (Environmental, 社会, 和治理)计划. 


  • 基线和成熟度评估:联合利华对现有政策的初步评估, 项目, and partnerships to address inequality issues laid the groundwork for reflection on business strategies and priorities. 
  • 确定行动领域的优先次序并设定目标: 的 company's commitment to prioritizing action areas based on material interest and optimal impact on people, extending from its operations and workforce to its wider value chain. 
  • 战略整合与实施: Unilever's integration of its social impact strategy throughout 业务, emphasizing 业务 case for sustainability and its potential to drive growth, 降低成本, 降低风险, 建立信任. 
  • 社会绩效评估:明确每个目标的定义, 再加上影响研究, enable Unilever to evaluate the value created for workers, 业务, 以及更广泛的经济. 
  • 进展情况通报: Unilever's transparent reporting mechanisms, including its Annual Report & Accounts and global website, ensure stakeholders are informed of progress and sustainability efforts. 

案例研究 illustrates how Unilever's ambitious work on living wage can serve as an example of putting a people positive agenda at the heart of corporate operations – an intrinsic part of the mission of the 解决不平等问题的商业委员会 providing practical insights and inspiration for businesses seeking to address inequality within their spheres of influence. 

"Unilever's commitment to addressing inequality at the heart of its strategy and management processes and share its lessons learned, 挑战, and opportunities along the way are a great example of how the Business Commission seeks to make a difference. Only by collectively raising the bar and walking the talk on this important agenda can we move at the pace that the equity agenda requires.”,说 Carolien de BruinWBCSD平等行动高级总监. 



解决不平等问题的商业委员会 (BCTI) is a cross-sector, multistakeholder coalition of organizations and their leaders with the mission of mobilizing the private sector to tackle inequality and generate shared prosperity for all. 的 BCTI is coordinated and powered by the 正规博彩十大网站 (WBCSD). 的 BCTI will kick off its next two-year phase of work with 80+ Commissioners later this month. 访问我们的网址: www.tacklinginequality.org


At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. 我们的公司网络遍布151个国家,超过360家,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, 咨询及税务服务. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at www.普华永道.com


Unilever is one of the world’s leading suppliers of Beauty & 幸福, 个人护理, 家庭护理, 营养和冰淇淋产品, 产品销往全球190多个国家和地区.每天有40亿人. 我们拥有12.7万名员工,年销售额为59欧元.到2023年将达到60亿美元. For more information about Unilever and our brands, please visit www.联合利华.com.

标签: 股本行动

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