
的 year has begun off at a high pace with two important events that took place, both the 阿布扎比正规博彩十大网站排名周 and the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos.

发表: 2023年1月21日
作者: 彼得不赞美
类型: 洞察力

阿布扎比正规博彩十大网站排名周, the COP28 team presented itself and laid out its ambitions for and commitments to the COP28 success. Sultan al Jaber博士被选为COP28主席, 虽然被一些人质疑, will for the first time put a committed CEO at the helm of the climate meeting. My read from the engagements with the COP28 team is that this will offer business a unique opportunity to engage in efforts focused on real-economy action at large scale. Having the COP come to the Middle East provides world leaders with a unique opportunity to tackle solutions that work for all, 无论是北半球还是南半球.

主题是 达沃斯世界经济论坛年会 是:“碎片化世界中的合作”. This meeting in the mountain village was restored in old form and once again was a unique convening place for business leaders from around the world.

I had expected a negative sentiment around the global economic outlook but was surprised by the slight sense of optimism that seemed to prevail in most meetings. 会议的主要议题是:韧性, 气候是转型和创新的下一个驱动力, 以及人工智能和新技术的(快速)崛起.

按照传统, the SDG Tent was the location where many of the sustainability topics were discussed over the week. 重点关注的领域是气候, 自然 (after the success of the Biodiversity COP in Montreal at the end of last year), 粮食体系转型, 和不平等.

As usual several key publications were launched during the week in Davos. 让我为你总结一些主要的发现, 因为它们可能会影响你2023年的思维:

  • 世界经济论坛 全球风险报告 (1200年专家):
    • 第一次, the report split the global risks between short- (2 year) and long- (10 year) term;
    • In 2023, the Pandemic risk has been replaced by the Cost-of-living crisis as the top short-term risk. 新冠肺炎已跌出短期风险前十名;
    • 在短期内, 5大风险中有3个与可持续性有关(极端天气), 未能减缓气候变化和社会凝聚力受到侵蚀),
    • 在长期风险中, 10个风险中有8个与正规博彩十大网站排名有关(气候), 生物多样性和不平等).
  • 普华永道 全球CEO调查 (4410年首席执行官):
    • 73% of CEOs believe global economic growth will decline over the next 12 months;
    • 40% of CEOs don’t believe their organizations will be economically viable in 10 years if they do not transform;
    • 58% of CEOs are developing strategies for reducing emissions and mitigating climate risks.
  • 埃德尔曼 信任的晴雨表 (来自28个国家的32,000名受访者):
    • Economic optimism is collapsing with 40% of people thinking their family will not be better off five years from now;
    • Business is the only global institution that is trusted globally (62%) - the main explanation is that business is the only actor that talks in solutions. 的 other element is “my company” and “my CEO” are trusted more than business (and CEOs) in general;
    • 的re is a higher expectation towards CEOs for being the leading voice. Business is expected to have more social involvement in climate change, 不平等和劳动力再培训;
    • One quarter of countries are now severely polarized - inequality is one of the drivers. 基于收入的不平等正在创造两种可信的现实.
  • 牛津饥荒救济委员会: 富人的生存:
    • 自2020年以来, the richest 1% have captured almost two-thirds of all new wealth – nearly twice as much money as the bottom 99% of the world’s population;
    • 95 food and energy companies have made $306 billions of bumper profits of which 84% is passed on to shareholders - while 800 million people are going to bed hungry…

当然是思考和行动的食物. Allow me to draw a number of conclusions from both the publications and my many meetings in Abu Dhabi and Davos:

  • 的 economic outlook - but more importantly people’s perception of their economic future - remains highly uncertain;
  • 气候 risks and the need for climate action are high on the agenda. 的 conversation has now firmly moved beyond the targets that companies set to the transformation of their operations and supply chains. Scope 3 accounting is an urgent action area for business leaders and carbon accountability will become an important theme in COP28;
  • 的 momentum for nature positive action has gained strength after the successful COP15 in Montreal in December of last year;
  • 不平等现在被广泛认为是一个高度紧迫的话题. 然而,对此的反应仍然非常分散. 的 解决不平等问题的商业委员会 (BCTI) report that WBCSD will publish in Q2 will provide important insights in a holistic business action response;
  • An emerging view is that the solutions need to connect and cover the three big global challenges (气候, 《正规博彩十大网站排名》一书的系统性和变革性研究.

In 2023, WBCSD will be plotting significant efforts on many of these areas. 在已经提到的BCTI启动之后, a major effort to have global business play a central role into COP28 is underway, 关键部门的自然积极路线图正在制定中, 我们会确保, 通过CFO网络, 我们是企业责任制度的主要塑造者.

Despite the uncertainties in the global economy, sustainability is now mainstream.

作为全球领先的商业活动平台, we at WBCSD look very much forward to supporting you and your company in the year ahead.

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